What is it?
The Budapest Aerial Meeting, a biannual event where aerialists of all skill levels come together from Hungary and beyond to forge connections and build a thriving community. This event serves as a platform for aerialists to meet, exchange ideas, and discuss their craft, while also offering opportunities for teaching and performance. Let's unite our passion for aerial arts and create a network that spans borders, enriching both our local community and the broader European aerial scene.
Hungary has a very rich history of circus arts with a resident traditional circus in the centre of Budapest, a national circus school as well as many circus and aerial training spaces for professionals and hobbyists. However, a sense of community is lacking. Most European countries have annual aerial meetings and festivals which provides aerial artists with a sense of community and an opportunity to learn and artistically and skilfully evolve. This event is designed to build a network and engage aerialists from across Hungary and Europe to have a similar platform.
BAM 26 - 28 August 2022 Highlights:
Straps Workshop with Viktor Franyo
Vertical Aerials Rolling Technique Workshop with Georgina Cassels
Rigging Knowledge & Safety Workshop with Andre Rolland
Aerial Games with Reka Zetelaki
Silks Workshop with Ariadna Vendelova
Aerial Hammock Workshop with Agi Györe
Closing Aerial Jam at Dürer Kert
BAM 2019
Enquiries: budapestaerialmeeting @gmail.com
Location: Inspiral Circus Centre
Photography by Irene Pepe, Anita Lencses, Georgina Cassels
Graphic Design by Oliver Cassels, Ren Huszka, Mia Cassels
Film by Pamela Painelli